What is an EPC?

Home What is an EPC?

An Energy Performance Certificate is a document showing the assessed energy efficiency of a home. The certificate also advises on the impact your home has on the environment, and what improvements you could make to improve the rating of your property.

It uses an A – G rating system which allows perspective owners and tenants to consider the affordability of a home in terms of the likely heating and lighting costs. An EPC survey must be carried out by an accredited Domestic Energy Assessor.

EPCs have been required for home owners and landlords since October 2008. By law an EPC is required as soon as a property is placed on the market and must be available for a potential purchaser to view on request (see gov.uk site). It is the owner/sellers responsibility to obtain an EPC. Complying with the legislation at the beginning of the selling process will avoid any risk of being fined, as a failure to do so could result in a £200 fine for every breach. A sale cannot complete unless an Energy Performance Certificate is in place.

An EPC is valid for 10 years, however, if changes to the property are made within this period, an up to date amended EPC is advised.

In order to obtain an EPC it will be necessary to arrange an assessment of the property, with a fully trained Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA). During this assessment the DEA will conduct a full survey of the property, recording specific details which are then input into a unique software known as RdSAP used to calculate the energy rating.

 Details taken into consideration in an EPC calculation include:

  • The age of the property.
  • The floor area.
  • Thickness of the walls.
  • Cavity wall insulation.
  • Roof space insulation and depth.
  • Type of central heating boiler.
  • Method of heat radiation.
  • Make , model and age of central heating boiler.
  • Number of thermostatic radiator valves.
  • The length of external heat loss walls.
  • Number of fireplaces.
  • Type of windows.
  • Type, age and extent of double glazing.
  • Number of low energy light fittings.


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